Art by BlueW

Machines Come
to transform Eden

General Brokk of the Niðavellirian Army
Pilot of the Skíðblaðnir

Empire of Steel

Brokk was born to a dvergar woman who had traveled to Jötunheimr and had a child with a jötnar man. Their relationship did not last long, and she returned to Niðavellir and had a second child several years later, this time producing a full dvergar daughter named Eitri.Brokk's recollection of his childhood is blurry, but both his mother and his sister's father passed away when he was young, leaving him to look out for her. He enlisted in the Niðavellir army after it's reconstruction by King Fáfnir following the coup d'état that plunged the nation into chaos, and quickly rose through the ranks thanks to his strength and skills. Being unbound by Jötunheimr's customs of peace and chivalry allowed his inner bloodlust to run free. The introduction of Gullibursti into the army served to be a catalyst for the king's coming invasions, and Brokk was a natural at controlling and maintaining them, seeing as his sister was their inventor. Special models were built for each member of the royal family, while an even deadlier and hard to control contraption was designed for the now General. The Skíðblaðnir is unique among Gullibursti, able to blast through the air at high speeds. Controlling the beast takes far more precision than a mortal could with a physical control set, necessitating Brokk to have a device hooked into his nervous system that allows him to manipulate the Skid directly. It also allows tubes to feed stimulants and other drugs into his body to enhance performance, which was used liberally as Fáfnir's campaign across Zenith raged on.Prior to Niðavellir's engagement with Askr, Brokk experienced a malfunction and crashed the Skid. Little damage was done to the Gullinbursti itself, but the speed of the impact left most of his bones broken and kept him out of battle for quite some time. Only when the Order of Heroes began to march deeper into the Kingdom and approached the Forest of the Sage did he recover, and left a bloody impression on their forces. He would be seen again once the Summoner was captured and delivered to Ótr, protecting Eitri's base from the Order while she conducted her experiments to attempt to create Járngreipr. Brokk was ultimately defeated and forced to withdraw.When Fáfnir was driven mad and began to destroy the Kingdom, Eitri tasked Brokk to protect the Castle with his life. He did so, suffering grievous injuries once again before the Askrans could defeat the King of Desolation. In the aftermath, he was too battered to stop them from marching into the Forest of the Sage, where they slew Eitri. His recovery took some time, and he continued to serve Niðavellir's military under Reginn's rule.


Brokk does not know about Eitri's true identity, and has a device affixed to his skull as part of the Skid's control system that had allowed her to tamper with his memories. Whether or not the ancient Sage stole the body of his real sister Eitri or if their entire relationship is fabricated is unknown, and hard to prove either way.


• The Skíðblaðnir is a unique Gullinbursti model developed by Eitri for use by Brokk. A device embedded in the base of his skull and upper spinal cord connects to his nervous system to allow direct control of the vehicle, which is necessary to maneuver it through the air at incredible speeds. The magic embedded in the frame of the Skid allows it to transform into a small mechanical cube and return to it's true form when given a spoken command for easier transportation outside of battle. The engines are powered by volcanic rocks from Múspell that emit constant heat, one in each thruster. To compensate for the strain this puts on the system, a crystal of Nifl's permafrost acts as a coolant for the rest of the Gullinbursti with it's perpetual cold.
• Outside of friendly competition, Jötnar culture encourages pacifism to curb their natural higher levels of aggression due to the hormones granted by their size and build. Brokk being raised outside this culture has left his temper completely unchecked, causing what other people would view as horrific anger issues and a propensity for violence.
• Acquired from their conquest of other kingdoms, Niðavellir began producing substances similar to drugs employed by the military in the 20th century, such as cocaine and methamphetamine. The control implant that hooks Brokk's nervous system into the Skid also has many ports which allowed IVs to feed the substances into his bloodstream directly to enhance his performance. He is recovering from extreme addiction and withdrawals in the aftermath of the war with Askr.
• "Gudenes Symaskin" is a rough approximation of "The Gods' Sewing Machine" in Norwegain, the closest relative of Old Norse. This is several jokes: threading the needle (piloting), precisely putting holes in things, and also Brokkr once sewed Loki's mouth shut for being a rules lawyering little bitch in Skáldskaparmál.


This account contains various heavy themes that may be disturbing to some.• Graphic depictions of violence
• Drug use and addiction
• Imprisonment and torture
• Psychological abuse and gaslighting
If you are uncomfortable seeing or reading about these, then it would be best to not follow.